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things I like: vim-fugitive + vim-rhubarb + GBrowse

There are many things any git plugin for your editor will give you. For me, the most important feature I need to feel productive is any means of opening a particular file in github or any other hosted SCM. I have seen extended git[hub] metadata directly visible at the editor (looking at you vscode) but that feels too much in your face.

Like it or not, your work directory lives on this particular platform, so sooner or later you will have to interact with it. For vim, that’s exactly what :GBrowse is, provided by vim-fugitive and vim-rhubarb.

:GBrowse                Open the current file, blob, tree, commit, or tag
                        in your browser at the upstream hosting provider.
                        Upstream providers can be added by installing an
                        appropriate Vim plugin.  For example, GitHub can be
                        supported by installing rhubarb.vim, available at

:GBrowse {object}       Like :GBrowse, but for a given |fugitive-object|.

:{range}GBrowse [args]  Appends an anchor to the URL that emphasizes the
                        selected lines. This also forces the URL to include a
                        commit rather than a branch name so it remains valid
                        if the file changes.  You can give a range of "0" to
                        force this behavior without including an anchor.

:GBrowse [...]@{remote} Force using the given remote rather than the remote
                        for the current branch.  The remote is used to
                        determine which upstream repository to link to.

:GBrowse {url}          Open an arbitrary URL in your browser.

:[range]GBrowse! [args] Like :GBrowse, but put the URL on the clipboard rather
                        than opening it.

I have this on my .vimrc. I prefix some macros with , and a theme g[it]. These macros work both on normal, and visual mode for ranges.

map ,gg :GBrowse<cr>
map ,gb :Git blame<cr>

You won’t try it unless there’s some heavy rich and colorful animations flashing on your screen.

Open markdown files instead of messing with local rendering
view a file or a particular set of lines
View a file or a particular set of lines
flow through the history of time and space with git blame
Flow through the history of time and space with :Git blame

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